November 1, 2021 - November 5, 2021

Maternelle, Elementary, and Middle School Parent-Teacher Conferences are taking place during the week of Monday, November 1 to Friday, November 5.

Maternelle parents have the choice of attending in person or on Zoom. Elementary and Middle School conferences will all be held on Zoom. Parents will receive an invitation from their children’s teachers to sign up for an appointment.

Maternelle Meetings take place on Wednesday, November 3 all day. There is no class for Maternelle students on that day. Pre-K West meetings will be taking place on Tuesday, November 2. PK-W children will attend school as normal on Tuesday, November 2.

Elementary Meetings take place after 1:30 p.m. on the following days. Elementary students attend school as normal.

1st Grade: Monday 1/ Tuesday 2/ Wednesday 3

2nd Grade: Monday 1/ Thursday 4/ Friday 5

3rd Grade: Tuesday 2/ Wednesday 3/ Thursday 4

4th Grade: Wednesday 3/ Thursday 4/ Friday 5

5th Grade: Tuesday 2/ Wednesday 3/ Thursday 4

Middle School Meetings take place on Wednesday, November 3. Middle School students attend school as normal. Classes will be taught by substitute teachers following lessons planned by regular teachers.