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Filter results for Weekly Letter from Jean-Yves

February 11, 2022

Weekly Letter from Jean-Yves - I Can't Get No...

During the months of January and December, we invited parents of The École to answer a satisfaction survey. I would like to take the time today to thank all of you who responded. I must confess that personally, I tend to drag my heels when it comes to answering surveys. However, these semesterly satisfaction surveys are invaluable as they give us the opportunity to get formal feedback from you, to measure the progress we are making, and take note of the improvements we have yet to make.

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February 4, 2022

Weekly Letter from Jean-Yves - Full of Life, from the Inside Out

On the first Thursday of every month, members of the school’s administration have a meeting with the officers of the parents association. Recently, coming together over coffee and croissants has been replaced by Zoom meetings, but it would take more than not being able to meet in person to dampen the enthusiasm of the PA officers.

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January 28, 2022

Weekly Letter from Jean-Yves - Assessing Evaluations

I mentioned last week that I haven’t been spending enough time in Maternelle lately. And yet wonderful things are happening there and it is always a huge pleasure—as Laurence will concur—to drop into the classrooms and watch the children learning, playing, and growing. 206—as insiders refer to it—is a unique place where kindness, generosity, and respect are imbued with a special meaning.

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January 21, 2022

Weekly Letter from Jean-Yves - Making Concrete Plans

We’re at that point in the school calendar when our preparation for the next academic year becomes more tangible. Various elements are starting to fall into place and we are now switching from abstract visions to concrete plans that have the well-being of our students at their heart. Two obvious must-haves take precedence when it comes to achieving a high-quality, harmonious school: students and teachers.

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January 14, 2022

Weekly Letter from Jean-Yves - Spreading Faster Than A Virus

We have to talk about the pandemic and the impact it is having on The École, its students, families, and employees. I have mentioned before that being as transparent as possible and sharing information as quickly as possible are of paramount importance to us. We also endeavor to be as clear as possible when we explain the procedures to follow. And of course missteps, oversights, repetitions, and inaccuracies sometimes happen. The Test-to-Stay (TTS) Program can be confusing and seem at odds with the protocol we were following just three weeks ago.

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