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June 21, 2024

Big News from Jean-Yves, Laurence & Philippe

We could not let you go without one final “Weekly Letter from Jean Yves.” This one will be even more special and will end this amazing year with a bang. We are excited to write to you today to share some major news about the development of our school. Upon retiring four years ago, Yves Rivaud, the co-founder of The École, correctly identified that securing a long-term lease for our Elementary and Middle School building, as we had done for the Maternelle building, represented one of the most pressing challenges to come.

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December 1, 2023

Weekly Letter from Jean-Yves - Indicators of Success

When it comes to leading a school, there are several indicators that a head must keep on their radar. These indicators vary according to context; in many schools throughout the States, one of the most crucial gauges is the amount raised through fundraising. Michael, Coco and Gala’s dad, told me recently that the majority of my counterparts in New York (aka fundraisers-in-chief) spend their evenings soliciting fat checks from families—I don’t envy them for a second.

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September 2, 2022

Weekly Letter from Jean-Yves - Almost Time for Back to School!

The first day of school is fast approaching and we can’t wait to see the kids next week. We took full advantage of the summer break to do some large-scale reconstruction work and have created five new classroom spaces—four in the Elementary & Middle School Building and one in Maternelle. We needed new spaces to accommodate our growing student body—we are very proud to be welcoming 319 kids to school on Tuesday.

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June 24, 2022

Weekly Letter from Jean-Yves - On This Last Day of the School Year

There’s a distinctive flavor to the last days of school. We are excited and sad, exhausted and full of energy, liberated and anxious all at once. It’s a bit like when we pack our suitcases before leaving for vacation—we can already picture ourselves reclining under palm trees but we can’t shake the feeling that we have forgotten something.

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June 17, 2022

Weekly Letter From Jean-Yves - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

Last night, we celebrated the imminent end of this school year between colleagues. The staff party was the crowning moment in a particularly joyful week that saw our talented students take center stage once again. It was also an opportunity for The École team 2021-2022 team to get together one last time. The 2022-2023 version will look pretty different in September; several colleagues are leaving us for new adventures and challenges elsewhere. I am certain they will be dearly missed by colleagues, students, and families. I’ve gone through similar moments several times in my career and I know how difficult it can be on a personal and professional level to make the decision to leave.

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